The kids wanted to go out in it, so of course I grabbed my camera for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Catching the HUGE snowflakes. Ali always has to check she's doing it exactly like Cade.
I thought we wouldn't get much more snow than this, so I made sure to document what would certainly shut down the city had it not already been President's Day weekend.
About 30 minutes later...
Then it was time for dinner and movie night, plus the kids were soaking and freezing. And the snow just kept coming. It was really pretty, but I was worried about Tyler having to drive home from work in it at 10:30 at night. He made it home safely and the by the next morning we woke up to this:
Looking down the driveway-
Out at the chicken coop -
Since Valentine's Day was on Sunday this year, we did our annual tradition of breakfast at IHOP on Saturday. On our way, we saw several cars on the side of the road that had either spun off the night before, or that morning. Once, a truck in front of us actually got stuck on some ice, then us, but we were able to make it through ok. When we got back we went out back to let the chickens out and see what they thought of all this whiteness.
They kept very close the coop... and the one hen that decided to venture out was slow enough that the kids were able to chase her around (and keep up with her) for a bit. They spent the rest of the day inside the coop.
And what does every kid need after a good chicken chase? A nice, cool refreshment. Cade and Ali spent the rest of the time digging in the snow until they could find the dirt and then eating the snow off the trees.
Right off the trees.
So, now Cade and Ali have BOTH experienced snow! And, although it was beautiful, I'm glad it was warmer and it's almost all gone. Time for spring already!!!
Can you come lived at my house and be our in-home photographer? I've been trying to get better with Adam's camera but I just don't have your eyes. You're so good at finding the perfect thing to snap a picture of.
Also, Ali looks BEAUTIFUL in that hat. She can come live with me too.
I am with you! Bring on the spring. I'm glad Ali got to experience it as well. And you're pics are adorable.
Miss you guys!
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