Monday, October 25, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

Tonight for Family Home Evening we went to the pumpkin patch!  It was great - Eliza's first time, Papa got to go with us, and the lighting was AMAZING.  As soon as we picked our pumpkin and we were paying for it, the clouds rolled in and a few raindrops started, so we had impeccably perfect timing.

Hooray for beautiful autumn time!

And, if you were wondering why Cade wasn't wearing his glasses, it's because they are broken.

By someone else.  Yep.  Our first encounter with a bully.  Thankfully Cade wasn't hurt.  The kid was bothering Cade's glasses so he took them off so the boy would leave him alone.  But the kid grabbed his glasses (we're not sure if Cade was still holding them or if he took them out of his hand) and snapped them.
I am so grateful he has a good bus driver who handled the situation, and for Cade's good nature.  When he told me about it he said, "Mom, I think he was a bully" (since we've talked about what a bully is, but never had a run-in with one yet).  He was scared, but he did great.  And that kid is lucky I don't know him.  Arg.
Thankfully Cade has an eye appt. tomorrow so he's getting new glasses.


Jay and Sherrie on October 26, 2010 at 12:37 AM said...

Adorable kids, gorgeous photos, amazing light. :)

Sad about the bully. That's never fun. :(

Jessica on October 26, 2010 at 3:42 PM said...

Seriously? That kid should do chores and earn money to buy Cade new glasses.

I didn't know your dad was in!

Cassidy on October 27, 2010 at 5:20 PM said...

I laugh every time I see Eliza's hair. Haha! And I'm sorry Cade had to deal with a bully. I'm really worried about McKenzie having the same problem with being teased about her glasses. Hopefully she'll handle it as well as Cade did. What a sweet boy he is.

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