Friday, September 23, 2011

Ever Feel Busy?

But feel like nothing has really happened?  Yeah, that's been about the last month.  We've had plenty happen, maybe I'm just too tired by the end of the day to post pictures about it.  But, here we are again - mostly for family so they can see our family's goings-on.

First, we had a wounded goat.  We're not sure how it happened, but it did and good thing Dr. Tyler and his trusty assistant Collin were there to patch up a cut on her leg.

Then, we started school.  Eliza is getting quite efficient at coloring and will be all set for Nursery on Sunday (she's 18 months already?!).  Now, hopefully we can get her to keep it on the paper.

My dad was able to fly in for a quick weekend visit while he was on some business and the kids loved making up their own verses to silly songs.

Then the lady we were borrowing goats from wanted them back.  We've had them since May and learned a lot.  Everyone had gotten pretty attached to those gals, so we were sad to see them go.
But then, good news.  The next day the lady called us back and offered Lola to us to keep (the white one that looks like a camel without a hump).  She is our main milker (gives us up to a gallon a day), so we were quite thrilled!

Just a few weeks ago we got to play in the snow.  Yes.  The snow.  In Georgia.  

In our house, actually.  For school we were learning about polar bears and I remembered that I had saved some snow from December when we had that strange stuff falling down here.  I figured that it was the perfect day to pull that out.  The kids LOVED it.  They gathered all their arctic and polar animals and played in the snow with them until it all melted.  Which actually took a lot longer than I expected.  About 3 and a half hours, actually.  Their hands were quite cold when they were done, but they were happy.  And so was I.

These next pictures are the kids with their breakfast.  I have to brag on them a little.  Every morning they come in at exactly 6:50 and catch me reading my book.  So they bring in their own, we read until about 7:30, then get up, dressed, make beds and then they make breakfast while I get my makeup and hair done.  Usually they are very nice and tidy about breakfast, but on this particular morning I don't know what happened.  I couldn't quite capture the chaos that was the table, but here they are with their bowls.

Everyone's bowls were full to the brim and there was cereal all over the table.  It was great.  I love these kids.

And, last but not least I'm sure my family would like to see my growing belly, so here it is.  This was at 23 weeks (last week).
Big as it may be, I think this is the smallest pregnancy I've had.  I started showing QUICKLY.  Like, no one was surprised when we announced I was pregnant.  No joke, most people said, "Yeah, I figured."  But then 2 weeks ago at church someone asked how far along I was and she said, "Oh!  You're so small!"  That's when I realized that I have never EVER heard those words during any of my pregnancies.  Everything is still going well and I'm feeling great.  I'm getting growing and stretching pains now that baby is growing faster and it's getting uncomfortable to bend over to get things, but otherwise I can't complain.

So, to wrap it all up, here's Eliza to say:
Well, nothing I guess.  She's too pooped.